
Guizhou Site of Zunyi Meeting Tour

Red Memory - site of Zunyi Meeting
Zunyi Zunyi Meeting site is located in Old Town sub-Yin Road 96, formerly KMT second division of the Twenty-fifth Army chapter Sidi Bai Hui. This building brick, Chinese and Western two-story building, built in the early 1930s, Lawrence was the leading city of magnificent architecture, wall hanging doors, Wei towering Mindanao. Lawrence Red Army arrived, the headquarters is located here.
Second Revolutionary War, as Wang Ming's "Left" opportunist line, the revolutionary base shrinking, the Red Army was forced to march. Early march, Bo Gu and other leaders in the military has committed a wrong doctrine to escape, the Red Army suffered heavy losses. Critical moment in the revolution, the central views of the right to accept Mao Zedong, to give up plans to enter western Hunan, Guizhou bend into the enemy weak. In January 1935, city of Zunyi, Guizhou arrived, and on January 15, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau held here in the enlarged meeting (ie, the Zunyi Conference) to address the pressing military issues.Meeting revealed the central criticism of the military leaders of the error, adopted a resolution to cancel the Bo Gu, Li's top military command, elected Mao Zedong as the Politburo Standing Committee. Subsequently according to spirit of the meeting, the Standing Committee of the division of labor, the work by the Zhangwentian instead of Bo Gu, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai is responsible for the military. During the march, but also the composition of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Wang Jiaxiang three command group. Wang Zunyi Meeting concluded Left "adventurism in the central rule, established by Mao Zedong at the core of the new Central Committee and the correct leadership of Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Red Army leadership conference at the moment of extreme danger, to save the Party and the Red Army, the Chinese Communist Party history, a vital turning point, Zunyi so famous, and has a very important historical significance.
Site of the Zunyi Conference in January 1954 began to recover on display, July 1, 1957, officially opened. In March 1961, the first batch of the State Council promulgated a national key cultural relics protection units, the scope of protection as well during the Zunyi Conference, Mao Zedong, Zhang Wentian, Wang Jiaxiang residence and former Red Army General Political Department. The end of 1964, Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall for the handwritten "Zunyi Conference venue" the six characters.

Tour to Zunyi in Guizhou

Zunyi ancient broadcast state, is located northeast of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, north of Chongqing, southern Sichuan, south of Guiyang, Anshun, Bijie west border, east of Tongren, China's revolutionary history city, is a historic and cultural city.

Lawrence has a long history in China, has a significant place in history. Zunyi Conference was a turning point in the Red Army, but also a turning point in the Chinese revolution, it is the CPC's independent use of principles of Marxism-Leninism, the Chinese revolution to solve the problem of an extremely important meeting, the Chinese Communist Party history, a vital turning point, the party to mature sign, but also from Zunyi city and loaded as a revolutionary history of China's glorious revolution in history. Red Army more than three months in Zunyi activities, leaving the site of the Zunyi Conference, the Red Army General Political Department site, the former residence of Mao Zedong, Li Debo old home, the Chinese Soviet banking site, Loushanguan battle sites as the representative of the many ruins ruins continues to attract overseas tourists to come, pay their last respects, and inspections.

Zunyi beautiful mountains and rivers, heritage, ecological and beautiful, charming scenery. Gaoxiapinghu Wujiangdu power plant reservoir, such as the blue border, there are "seven Gorge rock twelve rapids sixty nine spots", Qifeng different holes, spectacular; spring of Gongqing Lake is located in the suburbs, lake wide, sparkling, red walls and trees, nestled into the fun, rich cultural landscape is a good place for recreation; "beach culture" birthplace Yu door, cultural sites, beautiful mountains, fascinating; partial insurance heroic male rock river area, waters wide, the shore rocks must hole, turn the water with mountains, spectacular; there Gou dam conference venue, sweet gum, Xiping and so dazzling spectacle of the cave, the three holes crossing the Cloud Gate Tuen scenery, off the original flood Forest, Mission Creek Longyan reservoir, is still verifying the Chengongci and other tourist attractions.

Meanwhile, Lawrence is also green, is a beautiful garden city. Here a beautiful, blue water surrounded by scenery is particularly beautiful. Surrounded the whole city is surrounded by the Castle Peak, lush forests, the Xiangjiang River, Luojiang through cities around the profile, nurtured Zunyi beautiful natural scenery. Loushanguan on Shiqianfeng climbed cliffs must stand, if the ax like halberd, piercing the sky; Huai-yang cave, craggy rocks, gods, deeply stirring; Chishui, where they stand, Koho narrow ridge , Variety; Zunyi County Hailongtun ranked top of the mountains, surrounded by hills absolutely right and left ring River, China's military a well-preserved medieval castle.

Years of ignorance, thousands of farming, a hundred years of history, years of construction, now is the old revolutionary base areas of Zunyi, wine country town, it is a party to the Pure Land tourism and leisure.

The Overview of Guizhou Tour

Perhaps most people know little of Guizhou, just know that there Huangguoshu waterfall, and now, Guizhou growing fame, it was all the advantage of gradually understanding, appreciation, admiration. A person, as long as he had the opportunity to field a tour of Guizhou, I believe he must have a good impression.

First, the good air in Guizhou. Ye Hao climate, cool in summer, warm in winter, with conventional anti-a to. Guizhou good weather, good temperature, and humidity, due to its comprehensive advantages that unique. Guizhou, and there's mountains to water the water, not only a good landscape, cultural Ye Hao, people warm, simple, wisdom, customs, especially attractive. Guizhou has many interesting places, difficult words, a few words summed up detail. You can say it is the state of waterfalls, canyons of the state, but it still cave of the state - it's Karst topography very well, is the River of the state, mountains of the state, the cuckoo of the state, green state, the summer of state, the state of cold, drifting of the state, the Long March of the state, in short, is a beautiful state, the reputation of the state, fertile state. The structural components of your word is, one, shell, so, Guizhou is China's state treasure, a unique treasure. Proud people, whom envious outsiders.

In recent years, people have come to the baby state increasing, however, most people tend to focus on those in the Southeast or Southwest Guizhou ethnic minority areas, to the north of Guizhou is insufficient attention. In fact, Guizhou charm is not lost on the southeast and southwest. Guizhou Guizhou is home to the Central Plains culture and cultural infiltration of the transition zone, ancient culture deeply rooted in both the broadcast state toast culture, Tang Yelang culture, clean beach culture, and the red culture, these cultural history and reality of Guizhou, had a significant impact . Xifeng, Zunyi, Zhuhai National Forest Park, Hailongtun military castle ruins, etc., these unique places in northern Guizhou. Guizhou Zunyi Guizhou that area.

Zunyi small, but its popularity is very high, so the town became the Zunyi Meeting, red classic, popular. However, this is far from all of Lawrence. When you wander in the Chishui River, to see silver chain-like colored rock falls from the water rush down Dan; exposure to Bamboo, listening to ten thousand ares Xiuzhu chant in unison with the mountain; stop in Hailongtun, then battle each other in order to ; walk in C An ancient town, feeling a sense of time and cross the footsteps of history, feel the concept is not the same as the previous Zunyi.

Many years, Guizhou many wonderful unknown, "kept in purdah no knowledge", of course, no damage. This is perhaps a good thing, this way, inadvertently hand, Guizhou prepared for today's high-level "hardware." This could also be the kindness of God. Old saying: read a trip. China's baby slowly opened the state is also a broad book, the book of heaven and earth, to see how you read the.

The Useful Notes of Travelling to Henan

1, away from home, climate variability, or the best to bring an umbrella or raincoat. And prepare some common stomach and cold medicines to prepare for contingencies.
2, around the general area of ​​price slightly higher than in urban areas, but also in the small traders to purchase things may encounter fakes, so in the front of an ample supply of batteries and film, to avoid the area to buy.
3, Henan Province's most historic attractions in the local area especially in the resort's more old buildings, great attention to environmental protection and cleaning and maintenance work, also please tourists more careful, care of our common cultural heritage and the environment.
4, hiking, be prepared to fit a pair of comfortable shoes, ladies, please avoid wearing high heels and skirts. And prepare a little water and dry food to replenish energy.
5, to Yuntaishan, Songshan and other tourist attractions to visit Forest Hill, please note sufficient oxygen, aged litter rotten leaves is greater, but please do not smoke or picnic area, Health and bonfire, so as not to cause forest fires.

The Traditional Folk Festivals in Henan

Folk festivals:
Henan Province has a long history of many traditional festivals, these festivals not only in the widely circulated, and growing domestic and overseas tourists of all ages.
Two days of Lunar New Year in February, the people are the dragon want to go to heaven the day, it said "the rise of the dragon festival" or "Dragon Day", this day, people will go to the fields pick wild vegetables, dumplings, fried pancakes, fried beans, fried bacon , steamed bun date, in order to express respect for the dragon.
Henan rural women generally do not move in this day scissors, do needlework, fixed knives, scissors and injury fear dragons.
South of Henan Province in eastern Henan and have started in June was too small to say.

That day the people in the house, hospital, put on the altar in the wheat field, put bread, jujube hill (a bun) and the peach, plum and other five fruits, collected with a bucket full of new wheat, and incense burning guns, in this form to celebrate the grand harvest, and worship, seeking the coming year, good weather, good harvest. , People have to eat a meal with meat, vegetables, noodles, seaweed made of "chowder food," is very fun.
June sixth, also known as "Hope Summer Festival", "fried noodles Festival", "girl Festival", this day every household to marry the girl to take home, hospitality and then returned to her husband's family. There is a saying: "June 6, your aunt," "June 6, hoe hanging hook, called Aunt called sister."
Since these two holidays a very short time interval, so it is generally the first day from June to June 15 period of time referred to as "Harvest Festival" or "Harvest Festival", as the Central Plains region is highly valued for farming agricultural festival.
Eighth lunar month, is China's Han Chinese traditional Laba, the day the majority of our region have the custom to eat rice porridge, rice porridge is then harvested in eight fresh food and fruits and boiled, usually for the sweet porridge. The Central Plains region, but many farmers prefer salty to eat Laba porridge, porridge in addition to rice.

The Colorful Nightlife in Henan

Gourmet snacks:
Henan Henan cuisine dishes, also known as a long history, unique flavor, as early as the Song Dynasty, had been the formation of color, flavor and taste of palace cuisine. Is one of the traditional Chinese cuisine.
Main features are: excellent choice of materials, pay attention to side dishes, Tangxian fragrant, color shape and taste.
Henan Department of dishes are: eat three carp, carp baked surface, Pa Hericium, tomato baked fish, chicken flavor, Zhengzhou, crossing chicken, duck, Henan, etc. In addition, the famous Luoyang water seats, 24 with Luoyang soup dishes in a collection of well-known flavor of dishes.
Henan Province, famous restaurants are: Gold River Road, located in Zhengzhou City, No. 8 Shaolin Restaurant, Lao Cai Wonton Restaurant, another new Restaurant Kaifeng, Song are restaurants.

Shopping Guide:
Henan Province's property is very rich, this is a visit of tourists with a variety of shopping options. Long history, colorful handicrafts to Yuzhou Jun porcelain, Nanyang jade, imitation of Don Luoyang (Tang Dynasty), Huaxian point tin pots, shadowy, Yan Jiyuan plate (Yan ancient Temple of Heaven) as the well-known traditional products.
Other specialties have Henan Romer, Luanchuan fungus, Xinyang Mao Jian tea, Lingbao jujube, pomegranate Fengqiu, Dukang wine, Huaiyang Day Lily, Yellow River carp, and northern Henan four pregnant drug (habitat, cattle paint, yam, chrysanthemum), etc.
Shopping in Henan, has a slightly different way around.
For example, in the Songshan Shaolin Temple shopping, the buyer free hard bargain, but not McCain pricing buyers, the consequences will be very serious. In Kaifeng, Luoyang and Zhengzhou and other cities shopping, visitors will find an active market, but most visitors are not able to attract large-scale shopping malls, and often local products shops or bazaars.

Henan China Travel Guide

Henan Travel Guide
Henan is a major birthplace of the Chinese nation, our ancestors were living and business areas, history has more than 20 dynasties established their capitals here. China's seven ancient capital, the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty in Anyang, Luoyang, the ancient capital of nine dynasties, seven are located towards the ancient capital of Kaifeng in Henan, in addition to Shangqiu, Nanyang, Zhengzhou and other state-level historical and cultural city.
Far from four thousand years ago in the Neolithic Age, people of the Central Plains to create the famous "Peiligang", "Yangshao" and "Longshan culture."

Henan Transportation:
Henan Province, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Nanyang and other places have airports, domestic flights may be reached from most major cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu.
Land transport development in Henan Province, a Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon, Jiaoliu three railway lines running north and south, respectively, in Zhengzhou, Shangqiu, Luoyang and east-west Longhai railway intersection. In addition, from new moon to new Yanzhou, Shandong Yanzhou many branch lines passing through.
From Beijing to Zhuhai Expressway and north-south from Henan province over which to Luohe Anyang period has been opened. Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, Luoyang has several major highways between cities connected.

Heritage Values of Longmen Grottoes in Henan

Heritage values
According to "Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention" in Article 1 point for the cultural heritage of the description: "From the historical, artistic or scientific point of view of outstanding universal value of the buildings, monumental sculpture and painting, elements of an archaeological nature or structures, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations, "Longmen Grottoes is a masterpiece of a great sculpture, both in its historical context, religion, or in the sculpture and the arts, has a wealth of original and distinctive typical, so meet the definition of cultural heritage.

Longmen Grottoes in China not only epitomized the Northern Wei, Tang Dynasty period, the rise of Buddhism, and its exquisite carving, content rich subject matter, reflects from the Yungang Grottoes in China since the art of carving statues changes. Cave art before it, are more to retain the Gandhara art of composition, and the Longmen Grottoes cave art in India is far from bearing, style of the past following the Yungang Grottoes, Luoyang, and Wei Han and Southern history and culture of advanced deep integration cut is made, called the Chinese grotto art of change "milestone." Longmen Grottoes by the Northern Wei, Tang Dynasty, the royal family to create, they have a strong human, material conditions, under the auspices of the caves dug large, magnificent, a collection of cave art was the essence of the Longmen Grottoes which is very representative. Rise and fall of the Longmen Grottoes, China not only reflects the royal family of 5 to 10 centuries of rise and fall changes in religious worship Buddha, but from some of the side also reflects the political developments in China's history and development of socio-economic situation, its meaning is unmatched by other caves of. Therefore, the authenticity of the Longmen Grottoes in line with cultural heritage requirements. In addition, the Longmen Grottoes include not only the Northern Wei, Tang Dynasty during the shaping of the statue group, reflects the structural integrity of its own, but also with a good surrounding environment where integration does not seem dull. 1500 years, the Longmen Grottoes, although there are individual Kukan local rock avalanches, cave wall surface spalling, a few stone works of art covered by limestone slurry pour a small amount of stolen artifacts of modern, local stone materials by weathering off, most Kukan statues and decorative arts, preservation is still good, still maintained the basic size and style of the original appearance of the Chinese Buddhist grottoes in many well-preserved and most representative one of the caves. Therefore, the Longmen Grottoes in line with the natural heritage of integrity requirements. In summary, the Longmen Grotto of our precious cultural relics, it is not only a reflection of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties royal status for Buddhism, to help research into the history of Buddhism in ancient China, but also reflects time of hand workers exquisite carving and unparalleled aesthetics, it is a rich cultural treasures, worthy of the title of world's cultural heritage.

Longmen Grottoes and shrines show the late Northern Wei to the Tang dynasty China (AD 493 ~ 907 years), the largest and most outstanding of the plastic arts. The detailed description of the Buddhist religious themes in works of art, represents the peak of Chinese stone carving. Longmen Grottoes on November 30, 2000 According to the World Heritage selection criteria selected for the "World Heritage List."

The Wonderful Longmen Grottoes Tour with Onlinechinatravel

Central Plains and cultural treasures: Longmen Grottoes

Longmen Grottoes
Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang City, central China's Henan Province, the southern suburbs of 12.5 km at the Longmen Gorge things Liangya the cliff. Here Xiangshan (East) and Longmen (West) confrontation between the northern Iraqi mountain stream water at a distance, like a natural door Jue, called the "Iranian rhetoric." Sui Dynasty capital of Luoyang, the door face by Miyagi, "Iran rhetoric" and before "Dragon." Longmen Grottoes in Iraq on the clouds of water up to 1 km of cross two cliff walls. According to the Longmen Grottoes Research Institute of Statistics: Longmen Grottoes existing more than 2,100 caves, there Kukan 2345, more than 2800 blocks of stone inscriptions, pagoda than 40 seats, 10 thousand statues statue. One of the biggest statues of up to 17.14 m, the smallest only 2 centimeters. Longmen Grottoes in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in Gansu with, Shanxi Datong Yungang Grottoes and called China's three ancient Buddhist grotto art treasure house, with a very high historical value and artistic value. The group of statues carved beautiful, intricate, fully reflects the working people of our ancient wisdom and consummate skill.

Longmen Grottoes dug around in the Northern Wei capital Luoyang (AD 495), later after Western Wei, Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties to the construction, resulting in the formation of a north-south where up to one kilometer with a two thousand seat Kukan and more than 100,000 statues statue of the grotto remains. In the last 500 years to create a process, including the Northern Wei and Tang climax stage of the two statues. So far, kept in Yique these two mountains, like thousands of niches, the vast majority are created by the two periods. Of which 30% of the Northern Wei caves, about 60% of the Tang Dynasty, the other about 10% during the Kukan. Northern Wei period, a large cave, there are Guyang hole Binyang in the hole, Lotus Cave, fire hole, Wei word hole, cave temples and pute holes, holes in the road, and so on. The Tang Dynasty, the main cave are the Fengxian Temple, Binyang South Cave, North Cave Binyang, latent River Temple, King Shan Temple, poke holes, two kilns, Hui simple hole, drum sets of three holes, Cao Bang Dukes hole, see The Temple, Tang word hole, extreme south-hole, the Pure Land Hall and Ma Ya three shrines, and so on.

Online China Tours to Songshan in Henan

Qin Shi Huang unified China from the beginning, "Fengshan" has become this country's most important and sacred ritual activities. However, not all of the history of the Emperor of China are eligible to "Fengshan" of. According to the Confucian school said, the only unified the world is flourishing, when the emperor to "Fengshan"; and Dong Yue Tai has always held a "Fengshan" ceremony the only place. After the Eastern Han Dynasty until the Tang dynasty, China fragmented, "Fengshan" ceremony was interrupted 500 years. Tang Zhaozhen view of the rule, due to the wise management of Emperor Li Shimin, the world is once again unified, but are now flourishing, intended to "Fengshan" The Emperor Wei Zheng, minister of state for the people listening to reducing the burden on the recommendation of the abolition of the "Fengshan" idea. And later his son to help him complete the Tang Emperor Li Zhi, a "wish", "Fengshan" in Taishan. In fact, it was he smart, powerful wife Empress Wu in 666 AD, the primary impetus of the "Fengshan." The Chinese emperor was the first woman to the Queen as "sub-offer" (first offering is a deacon, sub-delivered to the sacrificial offering is the deacon, who, as second only to the deacon), presided over the "Fengshan" in " Zen "ceremony (imperial Britain altar Goldenthal Mountain Heaven, known as the" seal "; mountain in the provision of Shannan's parent site Jide beam, known as the" Zen ").

30 years later, the emperor had ascended the throne of the Empress Wu was finally ushered in his "Fengshan" moment. Only "Fengshan" from Tarzan the location shifted to the Songshan. In the twelfth lunar month of cold, 73-year-old woman has been emperor himself too much room on board the mountain summit, hosted a grand ceremony to heaven. Libi, female emperor amnesty, reign title "Long live the Dengfeng," as Songyang County "Dengfeng County," Yangcheng County, "concluded as the county." Followed in Shaoshi Shan Wu, "Zen", the pilgrimage to the altar to accept the text Wutai Chen Tang, foreign ambassadors congratulations. Finally, toward the mountain Tingzun Song for "God Emperor Yue days." Songshan position of high, in the reign of Empress Wu, the first time beyond the supreme --- Taishan.

Among the five mountains, Wu fond of Songshan, is has a special reason. Legendary, the Songshan two most important gods are women: the mother and little Kai aunt. They are Yu's two wives, Songshan Mountain and Shaoshi Shan's too much room because they were living in the mountain is named. Therefore, promotion Songshan position, not a whim, but for female emperor's foresight. In the ancient patriarchal society, the highest ruling power to seize, Wu not only an iron fist means more "God." Long live the first year of the first month-day book, Empress Wu to add their own appellation, "the more ancient Jinlun Cheshire Spirit emperor." She was built for the gods are Luoyang, Songshan respect for the "mountain of God", and finally the "Fengshan" sites have moved to Songshan. Songshan "Fengshan", is the pinnacle of female emperor's life, but also the Songshan most glorious moment in history.

August 2010, it ushered in another Songshan brilliant. Held in Brazil in the 34th World Heritage Conference, "among the historic buildings Dengfeng world" was officially inscribed on the World Heritage Site. As the ancient Chinese people's sacred mountain, Song has been recognized by the world, was regarded as a common human heritage.